Bringing Good News to 60,000 seafarers in Savannah every year.
Every year more than 3300 ships with 60,000 seafarers visit the port of Savannah from every part of the globe.
Our mission is to bring each seafarer Good News and help meet his or her spiritual, emotional, and physical needs - all in the name of Christ.
What we do and why we do it.
Click on the video to the right and learn about the mission and ministry of Maritime Bethel Savannah.
Click to learn about our mission and ministry.
The unique challenges of seafarers.
Being a seafarer is full of adventure and excitement - but not always the right kind. With some ship owners flying “flags of convenience”, they take advantage of their crews - tough working conditions, contracts extended up to 8 and 9 months - sometimes without adequate pay. On top of this are the added pressures of being away from home and family for long periods of time with limited communication. A recent study by Yale University uncovered a significantly higher incidence of depression, anxiety, and thoughts of suicide by international seafarers. These are the things that Maritime Bethel, with its core value of sharing the Good News in word and deed, seeks to address.
It’s a new day in Christian missions.
You no longer have to board a plane to Manila or Mombasa or Minsk. Here in Savannah the world is truly at your doorstep. Each year the Port of Savannah receives 78,000 seafarers. These men and women arrive from 50 countries and 5 continents on board more than 4,000 ships. And these numbers will only grow in the years ahead. At this moment the Port of Savannah is the single largest and fastest-growing container terminal in America.
60 seconds with staff members Rich Hadeed & John Houchens
With TWIC card and GPA credentials, Debbie is ready for her first ship visit.
Ready to take the next step?
You can be a part of what God is doing through Maritime Bethel Savannah! Gifts of time, expertise, and financial support will make a world of difference. Seafarers face unique and often difficult circumstances. But these things provide our friends and volunteers - people exactly like you - the opportunity to show the love of Jesus in words of encouragement and deeds of compassion. Join our team today!

Seafarers attending an onboard Maritime Bethel Ash Wednesday Service.
Join us in making a difference… not just in Savannah but across the globe.
Spreading the Good News all around the world… and here in Savannah.
Sign up for our monthly newsletter. Read stories of lifechange, how you can help, and the exciting ways God is shaping and molding Maritime Bethel Savannah!